已經在這差不多一年了, 我跟她還是沒辦法相處
我現在每天回家都要跟朱抱怨 ((其實是大飆髒話))
辦公室其他的人也都對她很無言, 但他們不需要跟她一起有直接工作關係, 所以對他們來說無所謂
她真的很假, 因為她太想要大家都喜歡她, 結果整個反效果
收到一封 email, J 要我幫她找一個文件
馬上火就上來了. 她發 email 就是因為她懶!!!!
所有的文件都在她走路不到三步的距離. 她可以懶到發信給我要我進去她辦公室幫她從櫃子裡拿出來?
再來就是因為那是一個需要 "小蒐尋" 的文件, 大概在有 20封文件的一疊 file 裡... 所以她懶得找
馬上心裡就咒罵 "妳到底是要懶到什麼地步?"
我還是照做, 但可想而知這時候我對她的態度會是有多好?!
*** 找不到文件, 10 分鐘後, J 走到我的座位 ***
J: Helen, can you please go through the archives to find this file on this brother? Pretty please with sugar on top ((Pretty please with sugar on top 是我的死穴, 她每講一次我就上火. 妳以為妳講這句我就比較心甘情願嗎?))
H: Archives? do you know how many boxes there are?
J: OHH.. ((嚇到)) Well, there's only a few boxes right?
H: ((安靜))
J: Are you busy today? You got lots to do?
H: Nope! Yup, I will go through the archives ((不屑))
J: Well, have you had your lunch yet? ((心虛))
H: I will have it after I am done looking
((我很不想要去 archives 找是因為那所有的箱子都很亂, 基本上就是一個堆疊很多文件的小房間))
現在一天到晚在找不到文件, 又要我去翻箱倒櫃. 我真不懂這是什麼鬼?
而就在剛剛, 才上班不到一個小時, 她又來囉嗦.
我覺得她每次都想試著跟我聊天或是看我今天心情好不好, 但每次都惹火我!
尤其當她每次講話靠我很近的時候, 我就一陣嘔心
因為她是老菸槍, 又喝咖啡. 聞過的人都知道那味道多噁心
Yeahhhh.... 每次她跟妳講話一定會近到讓你聞的到她口臭
J: Helen, do you mind me typing up a letter and you put the letter head on for me? Pretty please??
H: ((安靜.... 上火))
J: Yeah, I don't want to go through New West because I need to get the letter out today.
H: Sure, but I am not responsible for it if something happens.
((New West 總部的頭之前跟我說過所有文件要從他們那發佈, 但那裡養了很多隻米蟲, 一件不到一分鐘可以做好的 "放 letter head" 可以搞到三天才回信. 所以 J 有時候會要我做, 又要說不要跟 New West 說.... 我這人, 是會幹走後們的事的嗎? 所以我每次都很不爽))
J: OH! I know! I know! I will be responsible for it. You don't need to worry, sister!
H: ((安靜))
J: What's wrong? Are you mad at me?
H: Nope! ((煩不煩阿?))
J: Yeah, well... you know what's going on in New West. Basically only one person is working and Lynsi is 9 months pregnant. She must feel very uncomfortable right now. The other two never do work. You know? Nat has not shown up for work for 3 days.. blah blah blah blah blah
我心想, 囉哩八唆幹麽? 我根本懶得聽妳解釋. 走後門就是走後門
要是 New West 兩個都是懶人, 怎麼不去跟頭說呢? 我之前有問過她
她說因為她不想要為難 New West 的人..........? 啥鬼?!
我不介意做這簡單的, 不過我不懂她不想攤牌的把這件事授權給我又是為什麼?
所以我才會說 "I am not responsible for it"
*** 傳完文件給她之後 ***
J: Bless your heart Helen, that was beautiful!
H: OK ((有必要那麼狗腿嗎? 簡單的 Thanks 我反而比較自在))
加上我常常聽她講一件事, 卻有很多不同版本
我都不知道哪個是真的, 但永遠都是把自己講得很可憐
要是是跟同事講的話....絕對是用裝可愛的口氣 ((要別人覺得她很可憐))
要是是在她的成員面前... 又是用滿口三字經的口氣 ((要大家覺得她有氣魄, 有能力辦事))
噁心...... 好噁心......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
也許有些人很愛這種, 抱大腿, 滿口假馬屁
但一人很多面, 又每一面我都看得到. 真得讓我覺得沒人可以比她更假惺惺的了
尤其她又巨大.... 實在沒啥本錢假惺惺的裝可愛
好了... 越來越多口業了
Aighyah! I think what you need is a more challenging job perhaps?
ReplyDeleteBut you know, I've met worse.. you might miss this person once u meet someone at work who's 10x worse than she is.
You know you're only making yourself uncomfortable, cuz she doesnt really give a shit about how you feel. These kinda ppl can survive pretty well actually.
man. you have no idea how scared she is of me.
Deletewhen she wants me to do something, she has to say it in a begging way. which is very funny, and i hate it.
i know. i thought abt it could be worse at some other places.. like a ji che boss or something. anyway.. just a few more months to go....... just a few more...... arghh..
OH? just a few more than you gonna change jobs mah? or relocate?
Deleteugh; pretty please with sugar on top? that is just wayyyyyy too much! LOL!
ReplyDeleteBut with in mind, I now know your achillis heel?! <-- whatever the spelling is. xD